Sunday, April 15, 2012

Soothers !

Apart from the junk ads that I have recently seen , I am particularly intrigued by one aired for Emirates on TV. Its nothing fancy, but a very holistic representation how different lives are connected each other's , but the best part about is the music. Its just so light and warm , that you feel moved by the harmonious notes. Its a track "Trek" by Antfoot, specially edited for Emirated ad. There is an amazing stillness about the track, representing and inculcating the calm that is inside us , that we are trying to achieve.

And, its not about this piece only, its about the music on the whole. Its such an essential part of our life, right from celebrations, ranging from matrimonies to the silly bugle in the IPL matches ( after hearing which people go berserk , to the solitude. No wonder, Apple has grown on selling ipod's , by bringing the music we can relate to most easily in a convenient form. I still remember when 99% of people putting "listening music" as one of the hobbies on the resumes. I just found my soother for the week, its time you found yours.

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